Green Hydrogen is a sustainable fuel for the world

We are talking about Green Hydrogen which isn’t the source of energy instead it’s an energy transformation. Moreover, immediately after its production, green hydrogen can be used for multiple purposes as a subsequent which increases its viability.

Here we are talking about the most abundant fuel on the planet which is 100% sustainable as it emits harmful gases neither during combustion nor during production. Yes, we are talking about Hydrogen which isn’t the source of energy instead it’s an energy carrier. Moreover, immediately after its production, hydrogen can be used for multiple purposes as a subsequent which increases its viability. As the globe is moving ahead towards being 100% electric or sustainable, Hydrogen can play a vital role in attaining the goal as it can be used to store and transfer energy in transportation from cargo loaders to planes, and ships, largely reducing air pollution. Being highly reactive & inflammable, although this fuel is very convenient to store in the form of gas and liquid, it requires attentiveness while storing it. 

A composite material is used for the special storage of hydrogen gas. We’ll parallelly discuss in brief about how hydrogen is stored and refueled. Hydrogen is stored in 3 types of containers which are further transferred at for its dispensing. An approximate consumption of hydrogen fuel in transportation is 20-30 kgs/refuel. The 3 types of storage containers used to store and transfer H2 are: Micro Containers, Con Hub, and Full Hub. Micro hub containers have a storage capacity of 45 kg which means as per consumption value, it’ll get consumed in 2 days. Con Hub holds a storage capacity of 370 kgs which makes it capable of running for 10 days. While a Full Hub container has 2000 kgs of storage capacity which makes it most viable in running till 50 days.

The Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies (HFTO) is developing onboard automotive hydrogen storage systems that allows a driving range of more than 300 miles which is astounding. Also, several bigger players in the market are spending a large amount of their nation’s capital on green hydrogen transformation as the globe wants to achieve Net-Zero till 2050. ERISHA in collaboration with a German Company has signed a JV and established ERISHA HYDROGEN INDIA which remarks its footprints in H2 All In One Solution. This stated that from production to storage and transportation to the destination i.e., dispensing & refueling, ERISHA HYDROGEN INDIA is making it all happen under one roof.

Since ages, the world has been behind oil extraction, then storing the oil in refineries and further making it use in transportation through fuel pumps. This results in a large amount of carbon emission, hence increasing greenhouse effect. But as the globe has targeted net-zero emission, the thought process has now transformed towards a sustainable future. Turning the heads around towards a 100% clean energy future with absolute zero carbon emission. Our way is green hydrogen, its production, storage (gas/liquid form) in containers and as batteries, and its dispensing at hydrogen fuel pumps for transportation as charging stations as well as fuel stations. This is going to be huge and remarkable as there will be a sigh of relief living in cleaner air which would be a dream for ages.

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