How to choose the right electric scooter

Whenever we step out of the home, we suffer a major problem that is POLLUTION. To curb this issue, the innovative minds have come up with a revolutionary invention of ELECTRIC VEHICLES. It’s been centuries when EV came into existence. This astounding origination reduced the pressure of pollution in minds. Has it been successfully installed on roads as well? The main part was to bring this creation into operation successfully. Several big giants tried their best by grabbing the best of technologies they could opt. But still it is not as flexible in operation on road as it should be.

With rapid increase of pollution, we need to slowly go away from ICE and switch to ELECTRIC VEHICLE. Government has also been taking various steps in bringing it on track ASAP. FAME (Faster Adoption & Manufacturing of Electric Vehicles) by the GOI encourages people to go for Electric Vehicles.

ELECTRIC 2 wheelers are the future, not only in India but across the globe.

Although pollution being the major reason for the faster adoption of Electric scooters yet there are several other important reasons also of why we should adopt Electric Vehicles. Electric Scooters are taking charge especially in the Metropolitan cities of the Nation because of their good speed, mobility & reduced cost of ownership. EV is also convenient to handle irrespective of any age factor. These Electric 2 Wheelers are meeting the demand of a consumer to a great extent. There are around 400+ companies in this segment but only a few (let’s say approx. 10+) are being the major players on road. They have been constantly bringing in the best of technologies, working on the design, and trying to provide the best in-house INDIGENOUS PRODUCT to the consumer or say prospective buyer. As told earlier, there are several OEMs of Electric Scooters which claims to be the best in this domain. So, a consumer has multiple options in front of him when it comes to the choice of an Electric Scooter. But what are the main factors that a consumer should keep in mind while going to open-up his pocket for the best in market? Let’s have a short glimpse on a few among many key features that a prospective buyer must think of wisely.

                            RANGE: Whenever we are going to make a purchase decision, the prior thing that comes to one’s mind is the range of the product. It is that one factor which affects an EV Buyer to a great extent. At present every EV Manufacturer in market is fighting at this specific part. It is really a challenging part for every OEM to provide a competitive range of an Electric Scooter along with the best of technology, infra, durability and rest all main components of an Electric 2Wheeler. We all know that it’s always been a competition over the range of the product in every sector. Open your minds before opening your pockets.


                            CHARGING OPTIONS: When we come across EV domain, we are pretty well aware that it’s an Electric Vehicle which runs on battery, and thus electricity. Although the number of Electric Vehicles are increasing day-by-day, yet there are comparatively lesser number of Charging Infrastructures because of which consumer has to charge the vehicle at his home only. One has to keep in mind that the battery doesn’t get over-charged which ends up damaging the product. A purchaser must pay keen attention on the charging options provided in the product manual by the manufacturer of the product. Whether the vehicle is to be charged on a 3 pin-plug or directly by the meter via wire.


                            CHARGING TIME: An Electric Scooter is a day-to-day product for a consumer. Keeping in mind the charging time taken by the product is a must factor. Usually, an Electric Scooter takes 4 hours in getting fully charged by an AC Charger and approximately 45min to an hour by a DC Charger, which is least recommended by the manufacturer for the durability of the battery.


                            BATTERY CAPACITY & WARRANTY: We all know that battery is the backbone of an Electric Vehicle. And most of the important factors like range, speed etc. depend upon the battery capacity. Lithium-ion batteries are leading in the market because of its durability (It can store more energy per unit volume as compared to the Lead-Acid batteries, and has a voltage of 3.7 V per cell). So, it triggers the speed of an Electric Scooter to a large extent. With Lithium-ion battery fitting, an EV is capable giving a good speed of approximately 80KMPH and a range of about 120 KM per Charge. One can enjoy a beautiful ride on a single charge with this day-to-day companion.


                            TECHNOLOGY: Technology gives rise to innovations. And this amazing origination of EV sat a bar of technology. Electric Scooters stand out of the box in front of any ICE by offering advanced technologies.


                            PERFORMANCE: Peak performance output of any 2Wheeler EV is normally mentioned in the product manual and the product has to live up to it. High load, with an extended range along with sturdy body which can last up to 6 years gives an added advantage.


                            LOAD CARRYING CAPABILITIES:  Generally, a 2Wheeler EV can carry a load of up to 160 Kg and climb at 12degree gradient.
                            All the above mentioned pointers are a few most important key factors to be mindful for while you’re off to be a buyer of an Electric Scooter.
                            As advised: “OPEN YOUR MIND BEFORE YOU OPEN YOUR POCKETS.”

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